Garmin dezl 770LMTHD Review
Garmin dezl 770LMTHD has an average rating of
out of 5
based on 27 user reviews.

The name Garmin has become almost synonymous with GPS in the minds of drivers and outdoor enthusiasts. With the dezl 770LMTHD they are aiming to become the go to brand for truck drivers as well. This top of the line truck navigation unit comes with an impressive array of features that are sure to earn it top marks from commercial users. Garmin goes the extra mile to integrate the best modern technology has to offer. The end result is one of the best commercial driving GPS units on the market today.
First Impressions
Right out of the box the superior quality is apparent in the solid case design and glass screen. The 770LMTHD uses a capacitive multi-touch display with True Flat Technology. This provides the great viewing angles and crisp touch response found in today’s best smartphones and tablets. It is slightly heavier than most of its competitors, but the weighty feel adds to the overall impression of solid construction that is missing from many of the lighter competing models. The one possible complaint is short battery life. Listed at 1 hour, it is possible to drain the battery faster when using the connectivity features. This is mostly a non-issue since this GPS will almost always be in use within a vehicle. Included with the unit are a suction mounting bracket, USB cable, and 12v power cable. The unit also has a micro SD card slot for expanding storage.
Everything Truckers Expect
This navigation unit comes with all the features a professional driver expects. The easy to configure truck profile takes no time to complete. Once this is done Garmin’s great routing software optimizes routes based on the information provided. There are all the maintenance, time, and fuel tracking tools truckers have come to expect. As with all Garmin GPS products the maps are up to date and top quality. Points of interest along the chosen route make planning pit stops simple and quick. Lifetime life traffic and map updates make sure the information displayed is actually relevant in the moment. The live HD Traffic does a good job of calculating the likely delay caused by changing conditions and alerts the driver in time plan around them.
Ease of Use
This is where the Garmin dezl 770LMTHD really stands out from the pack. With customizable menus and responsive touch input, finding the right function at the right time has never been easier. To make it even better Garmin included voice control for hands free use while on the road. Further reducing distractions, the Nav unit can give voice directions in a clear easily understandable voice. It even has the option to give directions in relation to landmarks rather than calling out street names for which there may or may not be signs. Stealing a play from built in nav units, the 770 is compatible with many other personal electronics. There is a built in video input to connect a reverse camera as well as Bluetooth for pairing phones and headsets with the unit. Once set up and connected this unit becomes the hands free central computer for entertainment and information in the cab.
Final Thoughts
Coming in at $399 MSRP the Garmin dezl 770LMTHD is on the high side for a mid-range truck GPS. However, the additional features alone are worth the extra fifty or sixty dollars. When the quality construction and fantastic customer support are factored in it becomes an easy choice. There is a reason Garmin is consistently among the top brands when it comes to navigation tools. They know what the user’s needs and they provide it in an easy to use package. This unit is certainly no exception. You can get a great deal on Garmin dezl 770LMTHD here.
User Reviews
Posted by Rob
This purchase has lived up to my expectations and works as promised. Every trucker has their own preferences and ideas about what makes a good GPS, but this unit is versatile enough to satisfy most anybody from newbies to seasoned pros. The one thing to remember when using these devices is that are only a high tech map. They are useful but should not replace all other sources of information. You still need a good atlas and should always check your route against other sources before setting out. First hand directions from clients and other drivers can save you a lot of headaches. Remember to use common sense and trust road signs above the information on the screen. When driving through a city be aware of the clearances since the GPS will not always be correct. If you use all of the information available in combination with this device it will serve you well. Garmin dezl has long been the best GPS for truckers.
Posted by Tammy
I got this for my husband for his birthday, since he is a trucker, and he loves it. He says it has saved him from fines multiple times and finds the best route 9 times out of 10. It does take a little persistence sometime to find an address but he always manages to find what he is looking for. The number of options available make it possible to find a route to any destination. He enthusiastically recommends this unit to every trucker.
Posted by bigrigger
My first GPS was a Garmin 330 which still works and has found a permanent home in my car. Now that I have the 770. Before settling on another Garmin, I decided to give Rand McNally a go and picked up their 720 TND. I didn’t like the interface. It felt cumbersome and cluttered compared to the intuitive controls on my Garmin units. So I returned it and got the Dezl 770LMT. After my first day using it to drive from Virginia to Maine, I am satisfied with my purchase. It plotted the same course as the 560 but differed slightly from the 465 even though my route was mostly interstate. Either route would have worked fine but so far I favor the 465 routes when they differ. The 770 is quite a bit faster both acquiring satellites and mapping a route. The screen is bigger, brighter, and more touch sensitive than the others. Some users say the POIs clutter up the map, but I find it handy to have them displayed in real time. The speaker is plenty loud and gives ample warning of upcoming changes like speed traps, state lines, and weigh stations. I use the smartphone app to link up with Bluetooth and get live weather radar along with live feeds from traffic cameras where available. They both require an additional subscription fee but being able to visually confirm traffic conditions near my route is worth the extra 10 dollars a year. You must, of course, have a smartphone with a data plan and Bluetooth to use these extra features. There are many more I have not yet tried out available through the Garmin app. You can get things like live fuel prices and the app even let me load a route to my unit directly from a google maps search on my phone. This is so handy when an address is not in the GPS database
Now that I have used it for a couple of weeks I can honestly say this is the best GPS I have ever owned. The algorithm used to calculate the routes is actually different from either of my other two Garmins and in my opinion superior overall. I read a lot of drivers complaining about incorrect restrictions on certain roads like weight and clearance. I have yet to run into any problems. A couple of times it has displayed a “?” when it wasn’t sure if the route was approved for my truck profile. It is important to remember that this is just one of many tools at your disposal and should never replace double checking or common sense. It is a great help for route planning and many other things but it will not think for you. If you think any piece of technology is going to do all of the work, you shouldn’t be driving a truck to begin with. It is only an aid not an autopilot. In the past 5 years I have never been late excepting weather and mechanical problems and I credit much of that to using a GPS to help me plan and message time. If used properly these devices are indispensable.
Posted by D. Kelley
I bought this unit as an upgrade from a previous model. The improvements are fantastic and make an already great product even better. The screen is sharper and the software is more responsive. It boots up and computes routes quite fast. This versatile unit is great for everything from the morning commute to hauling around my fifth wheel camper. Its vehicle profile options are extensive and it does an excellent job of adjusting routes accordingly. When I am pulling my trailer it gives me a heads up when the road is about to narrow or there is a sharp curve or steep grade ahead. I give this product my strongest recommendation.
Posted by glenn
I bought this unit recently and im not really happy with it.every route I seem to put in it keeps coming up lorrie access unknown and all settings are correct.i do alot of oversize loads through out nsw and according to the dezl 770 I cant take highways only back roads and back streets wich is to dangerous for piblic safety because of power lines and phone lines.i will be returning it to harvey norman as a very unsatisfied customer
Posted by M. Arendasky
Ok, first and foremost, I was disappointed with the Garmin. New to trucking, I was unaware that I received a Canadian model with different HOS rules. Upon discovering that, I was issued an RMA number from Garmin, and the device was replaced in warranty.
I purchased all of the Smartphone Link add-ons, the traffic, weather, and cameras. While I use Waze for the traffic, the traffic on the Garmin is better with the Smartphone link than the typical traffic reported only by FM signals. Not as good as Waze by any means. The weather is worth it, especially where ice and snow is a factor. My major problem is with the traffic cameras. There is a tab on the display to show the feed from an upcoming camera, rarely does this feature work. The camera icons show up on the map, I can tap them to see a picture, but they do not show up on the tab. Nothing is more aggravating than seeing a camera icon on your path, and the tab saying there are no cameras on the road! Where does the logic come in? I did get it to work a few times, and my diagnosis comes down to two possible causes. First since I stream podcasts to my Bluetooth headset, this may cause a bandwidth problem since the Garmin used Bluetooth for communication. Second could be my service provider, Boost Mobile, although I do have very good service in populated areas. If this problem can be fixed, it would rate 5 stars.
One possible feature that should be implemented is a correction function for the map on the device. If you notice a speed limit, restriction, or POI that has changed, you should be able to tag it for a future edit. The communication structure is there with the Smartphone link. This would allow better map updates. The voice command could also be used to allow hands-free usage. Map updates should be more frequent, you should be able to update to the latest version more frequently.
Finally, editing POIs should allow a memo field. Some of the terminals I go to are not 24 hour. It would be nice to be able to enter hours of operation for a POI directly on the Garmin, without using a 3rd party app.
Posted by Golden
Bought this 770 as a replacement for older,smaller unit. I have a good atlas that I used also. My only complaints are few…1-seems to route me through small cities and city streets, 2-will power down without warning and 3-even though I have entered all truck/trailer info correctly it will come up with “truck accessibility unknown”. Even at rest areas. If you purchase this GPS please take your time and check your atlas for correct route. Will save you lots of time in the long run.
Posted by Ben C.
The Garmin Dezl 770 is an excellent GPS. Some of the truck info numbers look low when measuring dimensions, and the manufacturer set it to international gross weight. But once you get it set up correctly it seems to work fine. It keeps you on commercial truck routes no matter where you go. That could cost you a few minutes time, but at least you know you’ll be legal all the way to your destination. This thing could take you around the world.
Posted by Don brown
I have had 3 unit in the last 3 month they stop working for some reason . If I had not bought them a loves I would have to send them back to the factory last one lasted 31 days so I had to send it back to factory I love Garmin and bought one of there first units can’t understand why they die but even with this hassle it’s better than the Rand McNally units tried one of them out dated compared to the Garmin I guess they need to let me test them 770 but when working top of the line . Have bought a second one why I am waiting on my repaired unit to return
Posted by Paul from cleveland
Sorry to say but this gps is the very worst one ever .for me .going to ny city. All bridges are not marked right so it’s all messed up took me of the pa turnpike and routed me down all these small roads .and then .it brought me right Back to the pa pike. I call garmin at least once a month .I’ve done 3 updates and it gets worse every time.
Posted by William Hill
#1 you should always consult your road atlas…thats the problem with todays drivers and why many of them end up upside down on some logging road, or ending up in residential, and running many miles out of there way cause they followed the GPS!
#2 Garmin is a great quality product, between it and my rand mcnally road atlas life is good. Love the extra apps you can get with the garmin, so far have not had my new 770 lock up and my old 760 is still working great in my other truck. The big screen is easily seen.
#3 The downside of the new 770 is I cant figure out how to change the dashboard so it will show time, miles to destination, time of arrival, and speed all at the same time like my 760 does!
Posted by Karl W
For the most part it works ok,but it will send you 5 to 50 miles out of route if you don’t double check the final routing every time.
I called and complained but they had no answer as to why it will do that.
Posted by Michael F. Wright
I used Google Maps at one time, then a Nuvi GPS, and finally took a chance on the Garmin Dezl 770. My thoughts:
1. Search truck stops by brand or area to plan an entire trip.
2. Let’s you know if a road is legal, illegal, or unknown.
3. Notifications for strong wind, state lines, weigh stations, percent of grades, and much more.
4. Good-sized glass touch screen shows tons of useful data.
5. Voice command works great.
1. Some of the notices are strictly text and could be missed.
This is an excellent trucker’s GPS, not a car GPS, unless you like truck routes and long detours.
Posted by nimoo
I bought the Garmin Denzl 770 GPS for my husband. It was a little pricey but worth every cent. He drives across the country weekly, plus trains new drivers. I haven’t used it myself, but he tells me that this is the best GPS! It warns him of upcoming traffic problems, weather, and a lot of menu options for other features. He says he’s used 3 other GPS units and this is far the best. He can also sleep better if his trainees won’t be driving in the wrong direction!
Posted by harjinder randhawa
I don’t like it. it has too many problems. I used it for 5 months, most places its working ok but cities like New York or Boston it fails miserably. Its also mostly playing messages like “truck accessibility unknown”. It tells me low bridge ahead even the bridge height is written 13’6″. Even on known truck routes its showing no trailers allowed. In some places its like “unavoidable truck restrictions on route”. You got to make your own way. And recently it stopped working and showing low battery sign while I have it mounted on its windshield mount and charger plugged in.
Posted by Bobby Moore
Works okay, just doesn’t show Posted Truck speeds, just posted car speed. Some of the rest areas will show up in the “up ahead” tab but when you touch it, screen shows nothing, just a white screen. Tech support gives different answers as to why it shows only posted car speed & when mapping updates come out if they even know.
Posted by Jackie Roberts
I used to have one until it was stolen but I wasn’t impressed with it. Like posted before it wasn’t good with secondary routes. I don’t think the programmers consulted the Motor Carriers Atlas as it would show that a route wasn’t a truck route even though I might be on a main interstate. It would also find nonexistent low clearance bridges or under rated bridges telling you to find an alternate route or turn around. Over long routes it might find several of these as it plots the course giving you a ton of popups wanting you to over ride or accept its results. These popups show up every time you get to each of it’s overridden way points and you have to over ride the rest of them again. These popups take over the nav screen so you’re driving blind until you deal with them. Also about every 5th address you input, it couldn’t find it and wants you to plot the point on it’s cumbersome map screen and I kept mine fully updated at least weekly.
Posted by Kevin
I bought one of the cheaper Rand McNally GPS systems it works just fine I can leave my truck and I have to worry about it being stolen only cost $107 I see the new one in the window for 599 I think it’s way overpriced and it’s something I think you have to put in your back pocket every time you leave your truck totally ridiculous and not a control Rand McNally need to lower their prices
Posted by K Jones
I am a truck driver and I recently purchased my Garmin 770. It was an emergency, my other GPS broke.
The set up was very easy and I was back on the road in a matter of minutes. I could even talk my destination address in to the system. That was great. It has a very strong and secure mount, it doesn’t fall off after hitting very rough roads, bumps, potholes, or train tracks.
However, it does lead me down roads that I am to heavy to be on. That is a huge concern, overweight fines are thousands of dollars, paid on the spot! I knew the route I was on, so I knew to go another way. I checked my weight on the system it was 80,000 lbs. The gps was leading me to a series of bridges each rated at 52000 lbs. Big Problem! I know I am responsible for checking my route but what is the purpose of a truck gps?
I also have not found a way to show arrival time and remaining miles at the same time, inconvenient but not a star issue.
Because of the gps was leading me to a weight limit violation, I have to rate it very low.
Posted by R Smith
Save your money. I purchased this device in Feb. 2018 and updated the maps before using. The next day went into Chicago and gave me a route that I knew would lead me to a 11ft overpass thats been there 50 years. A few days later it gave me a route that I questioned but thought I would try it. I turned off I-4 in Fl and by the third turn it directed me onto a street that was restricted to 2 axles. With this kind of performance I don’t trust it and would have been as well off using free apps on my iPad. If you need a device save your money and just buy a automotive GPS and save $200.
Posted by Jeff
I had come to expect a good quality gps from Garmin. I am an operator/Driver so I went with the 770. Built quality and features are what had drawn me to this model as well as the name. Let me start off with saying I work for a company that purchased several of these units so when I give my rating you will know that I’ve had not only one unit to base my opinion. They should rebadge this unit under the name “Acquiring Satellites” as this is all mine “and the rest in the fleet” seem to really do. Mine hasn’t worked in 4 days. I spent 10 hours updating on my computer and then it only worked for a few days. It has been nothing but a complete waste of time and hard earned money. I switched over to another brand and absolutely love it. No hard feeling Garmin I just believe you have decide to make money off of the good name you once had. Like I said before several other units are doing the same. Buyer beware.
Posted by tl
got 770. only run in FL. mile marker show up every 35 – 40 miles then its off 2-5 miles call them they said it had a bug when I leave fl. should be OK
Posted by David Warfield
Blue tooth wont stay connected, didnt show a weight station and cant find any setting to do so. Way to many moves just to find nearest rest area and get back to the map or any other stop. Mount to short to place on dash and wobbles when you try. Gotta say I’m dissapointed.
Posted by Chris
After doing some research I bought this gps. I loved it from the first day. It ave me all my options for routes and was working great.
Lately it has been changing the display down to 1% while I’m driving. I’ve had to do a whole reset of the unit or once in a while go to voice commands and hope that using voice commands will change it back to my preferred settings.
I have looked on line and it tells me that the battery is charged. I pull the cord out and it tells me that the battery needs charging. Very frustrating!
I have kept up to date on the updates and to have this happen after just under 2 yrs is disappointing.
It has also started not giving me an option to look at possible routes. It just gives the ? ? ? and stays at 0% for a route. I just have to press “GO” and hope it’s the route I want to take. Make sure to look at street signs and be aware, they’re not 100% accurate!
I used to love my GPS and with the things that have been happening lately, I have to give it a lower rating then from a year ago.
Posted by Benny
Have had the Garmin 770 for a few days, the main map screen is awesome, not cluttered, perfect for company drivers that don’t need the xtra info O/O need and you don’t have to lean over to read it even on the 5 inch modeI I tried earlier.
The address finder is strange, why does it say -“enter house number”?
then you have to select next to enter street then the system starts looking near your current area without asking to input the city and state where you need to go, the truck restriction function is useless,innacurate,and that’s ok if you are a company driver like myself I just consult my company’s road suggestion and check the Garmin routing and turn off the restriction alert option off so it doesn’t detour me unnecessarily, it did a fantastic job on a re routing me due to a freeway delay of 20 minutes ahead, beautiful job through surface streets, I had put my trust in the Garmin GPS on the re routing, and worked, there were no truck restrictions signs anywhere.
As mentioned by other drivers, you have to know how to navigate using a map and your intuition too, you can’t rely solely on any GPS, just preview your route and check the company’s road suggestion and maps and its a beauty
Posted by S. Laughlin
These Garmin GPS units will not find satellites when used in many new trucks do to the glass having a UV coating. I bought this unit. It could not find satellites so i exchanged it for another assuming the unit was flawed. Second unit was the same. It actually states this on the Garmin website although the only to find that is to search “unable to find satellite” at which point you will see it is the last item on that screen.
I must say after owning 3 other Garmin GPS units I am done with these guys.
I’ll be using Rand McNally after today.
Posted by dkarger
The large screen clearly displays all of the information you need. The hands-free voice command technology is great and readily understands vocal commands without a problem. The comprehensive menu options are so impressive that we installed the Garmin units into our truck fleet. After months of owning and operating the units, I believe they are worth every penny.
After owning and using my Garmin dezl for a few weeks, I much prefer the device over the Rand McNally. The large screen and graphics display are awesome. The GPS system is highly accurate. I also like that the Garmin displays known acceptable truck routes, which saves me time. The “what’s ahead” function is really useful. Just keep the page open and know in a glance how soon you will come up on rest areas, rest stops or filling stations. The wealth of information and options on the device make it a tool that truckers can hardly be without. I would highly recommend using the Garmin.
Posted by Califrisco
I love my Garmin dezl. It provides all of the functions truckers need while on the road to have successful trips. The device is very user-friendly, and the GPS helps me whether I’m looking for a truck-friendly hotel or am interested in visiting local attractions. I can keep track of my truck’s maintenance and service needs or use it for logging. I won’t drive without my Garmin.
Posted by Steve Koshorek
I have had great difficulty in finding a GPS unit suitable for use on an RV. I own a Class A motorhome. After doing some research, I decided to give the Garmin a try. I customized the unit according to the size and weight of my RV comparable to a truck having similar attributes. I tested the Garmin while on an extensive road trip, and the device effectively helped me avoid toll roads and unsuitable routes. I could also quickly find gas stations and points of interest on my selected route.
Although the device is designed especially for truckers, I feel it is useful for RV and car owners. The Garmin is easy to use. But you can download the manual if needed.
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